Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network
Supporting municipal asset management planning in Atlantic Canada
Applied Learning Workshop
2022 Atlantic
Asset Management
Lifecycle Asset Management Planning:
Spotlight on Operations and Maintenance
SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Target Audience:
CAOs, Town Managers, Public Works and other Department Heads, Finance,
Municipal Decision Makers
Asset Management is a long-term planning process. Operations, maintenance and disposal of assets can represent as much as 60% (or greater!) of the cost of providing services. Participants will learn how to assess impacts of maintenance on expected life and cost, how to use this information for service delivery risk management, and the basics of lifecycle financial assessment to make the case for allocating time and resources to long-term service planning.
Attendees will gain an understanding of:
How to relate operations and maintenance activities to policy objectives.
The difference between reactive, proactive and predictive maintenance and when each is appropriate.
How operations and maintenance can reduce capital investment requirements over the life of an asset.
How to incorporate refined risk assessment into expected useful life forecasts and adjust infrastructure deficit forecasts to consider O&M.
How to generate lifecycle asset investment forecasts. Participants will understand how to do simple projections to determine the cost/benefit of a single asset’s maintenance program as well as how to incorporate operations cost in long-term forecasting.
Communicating the need for O&M to Council as part of an asset management program.
The process of active discussion, the use of case studies, and the sharing of your real-world decision-making experiences will enable attendees to:
Evaluate their own approach to incorporating O&M into capital funding decisions,
Know what is needed for evidence-based decision making,
Have confidence in knowing decisions are made based on your individual municipal needs,
Communicate the value of investing time, resources and money into operations and maintenance
Course Facilitators:

Matt Delorme, P.Eng.
Matt is a civil engineer with over 20 years’ experience in engineering design and management. He managed projects developing the asset management framework for the provinces of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador and has assisted dozens of municipalities in Atlantic Canada get started on their asset management journey in partnership with AIM Network. Matt is AIM Network’s Executive Director and will discuss asset management with you for as long as you will let him. His consultant experience was strongly focused on capital project delivery, and he considers himself fortunate to have been able to work on integrating operations and maintenance considerations with Martha for the last two years.

Martha Myers, P.Eng.
Martha is a mechanical engineer with over 30 years’ experience in the petrochemical, chemical and energy industries. She has focused on Maintenance and Reliability to improve the value of physical assets using strategies for excellence in maintenance management. She is a graduate of the Asset Management Professional Program offered by PEMAC. She spearheads the Nova Scotia PEMAC Chapter, where she serves as the president and is the owner of Martha Myers Consulting Services.