Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network
Supporting municipal asset management planning in Atlantic Canada
Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network
presents ...
If you are like many Canadian muncipalities, you have completed a condition assessment on some or all of your infrastructure and found that the projections for infrastructure replacement are much higher than your current budget and debt servicing allows. Do not despair! AIM Network has worked with dozens of muncipalities in just this situation to adopt a risk based approach to balancing prioirities with budgets.
In this course you will look at how risk management strategies like strategic changes to service deliver goals, risk mitigation and fine-tuning expected life can both stretch your budget dollars further and minimize your exposre to high consequence failiures.
We will examine the pros and cons of repair, renewal and replacement strategies in your risk management program. We will also see how by defining the likelihood and impact of failures at an organizational level can help prioritize between different asset groups.
Registration Open Now
What you can expect:
Understand how probablity and consequences of failure impact project priority
Conduct a high-level risk assessment to narrow down projects for five-year planning
Learn how different failure modes have different likelihood and consequences
Purposefully manage risk to balance priorities with available budgets
Assess your service risk from a range of climate impacts and compare adaptation options to the cost of doing nothing
Presenter: Matt Delorme, P.Eng.
AIM Network Executive Director
$250 ( + HST )
For more information contact:

Workshop Course 3: Risk and Prioritization
When you can't do it all: Prioritizing projects with limited time, money and resources
This initiative is delivered through the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.
AIM Network events provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration among municipal staff, elected officials and others who wish to improve asset management planning and practices for municipalities in Atlantic Canada.