Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network
Supporting municipal asset management planning in Atlantic Canada
Atlantic Infrastructure Management Network (AIM) is a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization comprising a network of individuals and organizations having interest in or responsibility for the management of municipal infrastructure in Atlantic Canada.
Our primary mandate is to advance asset management practices at the local government level in Atlantic Canada. To strengthen and enhance the asset management planning capabilities of our participants, we facilitate:
exchange of information among provincial and municipal governments, associations and societies, consultants, and individuals
sharing of tools and knowledge, and
identification of best practices and development of strategies

AIM Network is the primary source of asset management knowledge sharing, resources and support for municipal governments in Atlantic Canada
Our Vision
Our Mission
To advance the practice of Asset Management in local governments in Atlantic Canada through network building, collaboration, partnerships, knowledge transfer and sharing of resources.
Our Values & Guiding Principles
Providing leadership in asset management practices
An open and inclusive environment for all sectors and individuals
interested in building and maintaining the practice of asset management in Atlantic Canada
Fostering collaboration among asset management practitioners, service providers, provincial governments and with other sectors or associations sharing our mission and goals.
Striving for alignment of our initiatives with the general direction for asset management outlined by the four Atlantic Provinces.
Ensuring sustainability of the practice of asset management
What We Do
Promote and support regional information sharing and collaboration on development of strategies and tools
Provide resources to support asset management planning
Plan conferences, workshops and other educational events and activities
Provide opportunities for networking and collaboration to improve the management of
public infrastructure for the betterment of our communities.
Provide as-needed support to asset management working groups in their initiatives.
Board of Directors
Our Team

Matt Delorme
Executive Director

Martha Myers
Service Provider

Service Provider

Project Coordinator
Service Provider
Do you want to help develop AIM Network tools and resources or provide servicies as a supporting consultant?
To contribute to the open-source project or to become an AIM Network supporting provider, CLICK HERE
Questions? Get in touch! info@aimnetwork.ca