Atlantic Infrastructure
Management Network
Supporting municipal asset management planning in Atlantic Canada
2022 Atlantic
Asset Management
Sponsorship and
Who We Are
AIM Network is a Municipal Asset Management Community of Practice for Atlantic Canada. We are a not-for-profit organization comprising a network of individuals and organizations with a mission to advance the knowledge base and practice of asset management among municipalities in Atlantic Canada.
About the Conference
This annual Atlantic Asset Management Conference is the premier event for municipalities and local governments of all sizes in Atlantic Canada. This event provides them the opportunity to:
Share their asset management experiences.
Learn from their peers and colleagues about new approaches and practices.
Gather information and knowledge from professionals, advisers, and other presenters.
Learn about services and products available to support them in the asset management planning process; and
Hear from senior governments on direction and support for municipal asset management.
With this year’s event being held in the Greater Halifax area, we anticipate this to be our largest conference yet.
Who Attends This Conference
Municipal staff and elected officials, regulators and those who support asset management through the provision of services, tools and resources. We anticipate approximately 150 municipal staff, elected officials, provincial government and private sector participants to attend this year's conference.
Supporting Partners
AIM Network is not a membership-based organization, so it relies on supporting partners to help the organization grow and host various events. Companies and organizations interested in supporting the practice of asset management in Atlantic Canada can become a sponsor and/or exhibitor at the 2021 Atlantic Asset Management Conference.
Why Become A Supporting Partner
Support the practice of asset management in Atlantic Canada.
Increase your company or organization’s profile.
Showcase your products and services.
Access to municipal staff and elected officials from municipalities across all four Atlantic Provinces.
Become involved in this fast-growing practice of asset management in Atlantic Canada.
Support municipalities in improving their approaches to long-term planning; and
Demonstrate your company’s support for AIM Network and its mission of advancing the knowledge base and practice in Atlantic Canada
Sponsorship / Exhibitor Opportunities